The University of Cyprus (UCY) is  largest University and main research organisation in Cyprus.UCY is the leading research university in Cyprus that aspires to promote scholarship and education standards of excellence through teaching and research. More than 7000 students (undergraduate and graduate) currently study at UCY. The university has 8 faculties, 22 departments and 11 research units, including a ‘Research Centre for Sustainable Energy’. UCY is managing competitive research funds that exceed the 50 million Euro mark. Recently, UCY revised its research policy to increase the efficiency of the university to utilize research funding and opportunities, and to better promote research

initiatives in Cyprus. The new policy adopts the EC declarations for balancing basic and applied research and provides the necessary administrative support to academic and research staff. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is the largest department in the School of Engineering and it strives to provide high quality degree programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. One of its main priorities is to develop further its renewable energy sources research portfolio, and particularly in the field of solar energy, utilizing Cyprus’ high solar resource. Through its Research Centre for Sustainable Energy (FOSS), UCY plays a key role in research and technological development activities in sustainable energy in Cyprus and internationally. FOSS has been running successfully numerous EU projects (including ENI CBC Med, H2020, FP7, Life+, MED, such as PV-NET, SmartPV, Hybuild, TwinPV, StoRES, PV-ESTIA, Goflex, Integridy, DESIRE, ECO-RED), on topics such as PV grid integration, smart grids, and smart cities, photovoltaics energy efficiency. In addition to its research collaborations, FOSS has links with key players in the energy field and policy makers in Cyprus (e.g. DSO, Energy Regulator, Ministry of Energy, municipalities) on grid integration projects, energy efficiency, policy and sustainable development. Further, through its participation in previously funded Erasmus projects, FOSS developed several nergy related courses including Smart Grids, Photovoltaics, Grid integration. FOSS has received funding in excess of 14 million Euros over the past 6 years.

The official website of University of Cyprus is at the following web address: