O2 Academic Curriculum on Smart Energy Management Systems
Compiling the requirements and best practises as well as the research outcomes of SPEAR and SDN-microSENSE Horizon 2020 projects, this output will specify the curriculum of the undergraduate courses related to Smart Energy Management Systems.
In particular, this output will define two courses accompanied with lab exercises, namely the introductive course “Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Devices” and lab “IoT sensors and devices”, and the more sophisticated course “Smart Energy Management Systems” and lab “Energy consumption monitoring with energy meters and security aspects”.
The learning objectives, learning tasks, the subjects for the cooperative projects of students, the evaluation procedures, bibliography and number of work hours/credits will be thoroughly described in the context of this output.
The innovative aspect of the produced material is the inclusion of recent and state of the art findings of the SDN-microSENSE and SPEAR projects, adopted for undergraduate students. Furthermore, strong emphasis will be given on the relation between the course curriculum and the market needs, thus upgrading the potential impact of the educational material for HEIs and benefiting the European market. The innovative material will be ready to be employed to any HEI, inside and outside the consortium, intending to update its curricula according to the latest knowledge on the smart grid trends as well as to follow new teaching methodologies and approaches. For this reason, the developed material for the distant courses and remote labs will be publicly available on the projects’ website.
О3 Online Platform for Joint Distant Courses
This output concerns the design and implementation of an online platform that will be offered for distant courses. The content of this platform will be enriched with the relevant curriculum developed in O2 Academic Curriculum on Smart Energy Management Systems, aiming to satisfy the training and educational requirements as well as applying the best practices for educating professionals of the energy market.
The innovative dimension of the proposed platform lies in the integrated state of art curriculum which reflects the market needs in combination with the variety of course delivery methods, especially aiming to maximise the target audience, covering both full-time undergraduate students, while at the same time being convenient for part-time professionals that require either full-time instructor-paced training or self-paced training with on-demand courses.
The JAUNTY virtual learning environment (VLE), as prepared by IHU is deployed and running at: https://jaunty.cs.ihu.gr/
The latest version of the training material which has been developed within the project is arranged into four courses.
O4 Online Platform for Remote Labs
This output will enhance the JAUNTY online platform by providing the ability for teachers and instructors to provide and instruct remote laboratory exercises. The concept of remote labs lies in the ability to perform lab exercises remotely via specialized software, while enabling the integration with real hardware and advanced emulation software. The curriculum of those labs will be based on the outcomes of O2 Academic Curriculum on Smart Energy Management Systems, aiming to satisfy the training and educational requirements of the energy market.
The innovative dimension of this output is the remote access of students to a real environment that enables integration with and remote control of smart grid devices, thus enabling them to acquire practical knowledge and experience on deployment and configuration of SEMS.
In this context, LTSpice, BigBlueButton, LabVIEW and Thinger.io will be utilized and deployed on a dedicated server to support remote virtual labs. Thinger.io is a web based IoT platform that provides open source libraries to connect with smart devices. It supports an easy to use interface to interact with things, as well as to collect, store and visualize telemetry data. On the other hand, LTSpice, LabVIEW is a popular platform and technological framework that enables the design of advanced electric systems, including smart grids.
Online Platform for Remote Labs
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Intellectual Output 4 Online Platform for Remote Labs.